Residential Pool Services

Our Services Include
- Equipment repairs, maintenance and new installations
- Pool cleaning and water chemistry balancing
- New Pool plumbing, equipment installation and consultation
- Pool care lessons for new pool owners or tenants
- Problem Solving
- Deliveries of equipment, chemicals and accessories

We Can Install or Replace:
- Pumps
- Filters - Sand or cartridge
- Saltwater & Mineral Chlorinators
- Liquid Dosing Systems
- Remote Control Systems
- Chromatalysers
- Underwater Lights
- Waterfalls
- Gas or Electric Heaters
- Blowers and Air Switches
- Ladders
- and More!
Contact us to book a service call.

Each Pool is Unique
Swimming pools can really vary in their use and needs. Some are large unused water features, while others are small pools full of kids and leaves all summer long, and there's every variation in between!
Each pool's needs are unique and each requires a schedule and maintenance plan that suits the owners, the bathers and the needs of the pool water to keep it looking good all year round.

Water Conservation
Andy & Sons takes water conservation seriously.
With ongoing water restrictions in Sydney, we utilise rainwater wherever possible, and do not waste resources. Water saving devices and chemicals are also implemented where possible.